Signs of the Times

Over the past two years we’ve brought you insights into many and varied aspects of the Roof Project. This time it’s around something a little different. A post devoted to signs. Lots of them!

Safety is a key driver of the Roof Project. Our contractors spend a lot of time developing plans and discussing these with their workers so jobs are completed safely.

There’s another safety consideration for the Project. Whilst the work is being done, there are visitors, tenants and Door of Hope Staff in and around the building. As far as possible, we want it to be “business as usual”. However, it simply isn’t possibly to safely replace a roof with lots of people close by.

Safety fences are an obvious way of keeping people away from the work site. Strange but true, it seems to some a fence is a challenge. A small gap is an invitation to explore further. So, to add some extra deterrence, we add signs. “Danger, Keep Out”, “Asbestos Removal”, “Protective Equipment Must Be Worn” etc. Doors can be locked, the lift turned off, doors taped shut and staff keep a watchful eye. It’s an ongoing challenge.

When a roof is being removed, the early morning ritual includes working out where people may try to enter the building. There’s around an hour’s work placing appropriate fencing and signage. The current work on the Storage Tower roof involves covering around 10 locations.

Can’t use the stairs

Can’t use the stairs

Can’t use the lift

Can’t use the lift

Just how do you get to Storage?

Just how do you get to Storage?

Another signage challenge comes from providing temporary access. Our big building has lots of door. Back doors, side doors, fire doors and even main doors. With some creativity, these can be used to get most people to most of the places that they need to go. Signs play a part in helping staff, tenants and visitors alike to navigate their way to their destination following some unusual paths!

A back entrance!

A back entrance!

Just follow the (cheap but effective) signs

Just follow the (cheap but effective) signs

How’s the project going?

The Storage Tower is the final section of roof to be replaced. Progress is proving to be frustratingly slow. There are lots of factors, including either rain or forecasts of rain. We have completed two of the five roof sections. It is hoped to have the roof completed by the end of April.

Looking forward to signing off.

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Roof Replacement Updates