Roof Replacement


Well, we are finally making a start on the long and eagerly awaited roof replacement! Our start date is the 1st of April (not an April fools joke!).

Our main laneway will be closed about 1/2 way down for about 2 days. This means that ALL R, S and T units will not be accessible on the 1st and 2nd of April (grey storage area).

Both car storage areas will be open to foot traffic only, with access coming only from the church end of the building. If you require your car to be removed or brought back in, please make plans to do this either before or after the 1st and 2nd of April.

Red storage (all U units) will be accessible, but only from the church end.

All other units will be unaffected at this time. Please like our facebook page, or take a look at our web page here to ensure that you are receiving updates as early as possible.



Roof Replacement Updates